Great Software, Online Tools and Services

Free applications are sometimes far better then their commercial counterparts.
Why then take risks using illegal software?

Here is my curated selection of great applications, tools, utilities, sites and services after trying them for several days, most are free.

Links for web developers, SEO experts, analytics... are on my Amazing Web Libraries and Tools page.

Money, Deals and Redeems

  • StackSocial.com
    Giveaways and deals available for just few days of normally paying software, hardware, tutorials, bundles, gadgets... Some discount are up to 99%, some are free or you give your own price!
    Pay attention, some offers can be cheaper on other shopping sites.
  • Envato.com
    Everything to make a site: themes, UI kits, programming codes/snippets, photos, videos, audios, icons, flyers, 3D objects, images and backgrounds...
    Each month one free item is offered with all the licences.
  • VPN - Virtual Private Network

    A VPN is must have these days, it greatly enhances your safety and privacy on Internet.

    Until today, January 27, 2016, I have tested on Macintosh or Android the following VPNs, either in paying, trial or free version: NordVPN, CyberGhost, VPN Unlimited, TigerVPN, IPinator, PureVPN and ZenMate VPN.

    Don't be a fool, totally free VPNs are taking something from you, data, statistics, injecting/replacing ads in the sites you visit, selling your coordinates,...
    For example, the free version of hola is a peer-to-peer VPN, you share your internet connection and bandwith! It's up to you to decide what you do with your data.

    The most important criteria, is trust!
    Why some VPNs do hide their coordinates, have no term of services (TOS), are just hidden-resellers, are without any contact information?
    Do carefully read their privacy policy, TOS and refund policy!

    Don't think you are totally hidden behind a VPN, Tor or whatever, so think twice before crossing the yellow line!

    VPN Reviews

    Do your own researches, but do not believe all the best-vpn-in-the-universe recommendation sites, most are just making money through their affiliations.

    VPNreviewer.com provides unbiased and truthful VPN reviews, evaluations and conclusions. VPNreviewer does not have any affiliate link.

    Don't miss these great articles:
    - Which VPN Services Take Your Anonymity Seriously? Editions: 2016 - 2015


    General Security Information

    Backup - Disaster Recovery

    I am working on it right now... 🐌

    Don't think you are safe for whatever reason! I saw friends and clients crying because they have lost everything, personal, private or professional files. Which in most cases can not be restored because recovery specialists are very expansive, or the devices are physically missing or too badly damaged.

    Before choosing one, or better, several backup solutions, keep in mind the following points.

    - Locally on external hard-disk, NAS, tape, other local computers
    - Remotely in other physical places, houses, offices, friends, co-workers
    - In the Cloud on your own server or using commercial services

    Reliability and Redundancy

    Accessibility and Privacy

    Speed and Delay

    In the mean time...

    On macOS: Apple Time Machine, Carbon Copy Cloner and Immortal Files.

    Privacy and Anonymity

    Anti-Virus, Malware, Adware and Browser-Hijacker

    Stop pop-up ads and adware in Safari
    Very interesting and detailed explanation regularly maintained by Apple Support Team. This article gives step by step instructions to find, remove and stop dozen of pop-up ads and Adware/Browser-Hijacker in Safari, including all their hidden files spread inside OS X System Library.

    Independent comparison reports on various security tools are available on:
    av-comparatives.org - av-test.org - virusbulletin.com - selabs.uk and several computer magazines each year.

    Scanning and Cleaning Tools

    These tools DO NOT protect your devices in real-time! Use them only when you want to scan manually you devices or just check suspicious files, email attachments or websites.

    Real-time Anti-Virus / Anti-Malware

    These tools DO provide real-time protection, always running in background, to protect your device from viruses and malware.

    Never ever install more than one real-time AV on a computer, this can creates lots of conflicts!

    Additional Protection Tools

    These tools provide various types of protection, detection or just warn you about unusual activities, which does not always mean that something is going wrong.


    Different methods exist to block various kind of sites or to protect you from unwanted 'visitors', human or bots. But one in another, it's the principe found in usual firewall.

    More details soon...

    System 'hosts' file

    To block unsafe, adults or not suitable for work web sites, you can simply black-list their addresses and/or IP in your system 'hosts' file.

    Verification and Information

    Apple Macintosh - OS X Applications


    Mobile Phone - Cellular - GSM

    Tools and SaaS for Webmasters

    Tools and Sites to Fight Spam

    Bookmarklets and RSS

    Free Books, Courses and Tutorials

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